Friday, October 22, 2010
Cardinal Van Thuan
I had the privilege to attend seminary with Vietnamese seminarians at Holy Apostles, Cromwell, CT, some of whom, knew the Cardinal personally.
Their stories, their witness, their absolute fidelity to Jesus and His Church will forever be in my heart and in my mind. I am for ever grateful.
I have vestments made by Vietnamese Sisters given to me at my ordination by my Vietnamese friends. These "confessors of the faith" became my friends, one of whom was tortured daily by the Communist North Vietnamese; he eventually emigrated to the USA, worked in a factory, until he could attend seminary and be ordained a priest in his '50s...what a legacy of faith. He was the most kind, gentle and holy soul; what an inspiration!
My Dad was a Dr. sent to Vietnam from 1967-68. He took care of many civilians, as well as the soldier casualties. When my Vietnamese seminarian companions learned this, they adopted me as their "brother". My Dad had cared for their women, children, old men and women; I was "one of them".
So very overwhelming.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My "Spiritual Father" is now a Cardinal! Deo gratias!

Archbishop Burke issued the following statement:
I am deeply humbled and honored by the announcement that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI intends to name me to the College of Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church at the Consistory which he has convoked for this coming November 20th. Having received the news of the Holy Father’s intention, I express my deepest gratitude to His Holiness for the great confidence which he has placed in me, and I renew my commitment to serve Him, as Shepherd of the universal Church, in total fidelity and with all my being.
Considering the weighty responsibilities of the members of the College of Cardinals in assisting the Holy Father as his closest co-workers, even “to the shedding of blood,” I am more than ever conscious of my own weakness and of my total dependence upon the help of divine grace, in order that I may fulfill worthily and generously the responsibilities which will be mine, God willing, as a Cardinal of the Church.
I count upon the continued intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Communion of Saints, and the prayers of the many faithful whom I have been blessed to serve as priest and Bishop, especially in my home diocese, the Diocese of La Crosse, and in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, and of those with whom I have been, in the past, and am now privileged to serve in the Roman Curia, especially my co-workers at the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. Only the knowledge of God’s immeasurable and unceasing outpouring of mercy and love from the glorious pierced Heart of Jesus gives me the confidence to accept the great honor and burden which His Holiness intends to confer upon me.
Today’s announcement turns my thoughts with deepest affection and gratitude to my late parents and all my family, living and deceased; and to the priests, consecrated persons and lay faithful who have assisted me to know my vocation to the Holy Priesthood and to respond to it with an undivided heart over the more than thirty-five years of my priestly life and ministry. Today, with all my heart, I humbly thank God for the gifts of life, of the Catholic faith, and of my vocation.
At the same time, my thoughts naturally turn to the many challenges which the Church faces in our day in carrying out her divine mission for the salvation of the world. In particular, I am deeply conscious of the critical importance of the loving witness of the Church to the truth, revealed to us by God through both faith and reason, which alone is our salvation. It is a witness which Our Holy Father tirelessly gives with remarkable wisdom and courage. I pledge myself anew to assist Pope Benedict XVI in this critical witness and in the many works of his pastoral charity on behalf of all our brothers and sisters in the Church and in the world.
I ask for prayers that I may be able to assist our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the best of my ability and with every ounce of my strength. I, once again, place my whole heart, together with the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, into the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the glorious pierced Heart of Jesus, I am confident that I will find the purification, courage and strength which I will need to carry out the new responsibilities to be confided into my hands. I thank, in advance, all who will pray for me, and ask God to bless them abundantly.
I am SOOO proud to be a spiritual son of this holy priest of God! He ordained me to the priesthood in 2003. God love him! Mary keep him! St. Joseph protect him!
Hood tip:

During this Month of our Lady's Rosary, we need to reflect upon how wonderful and magnificent this gift is to us. A story about a very dramatic "rescue" is found at this link. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Santa Teresia, Ora pro nobis!
One of my favorite saints...she loved Jesus so absolutely! And her life is a testimony of the great Mercy of the Lord.
Saint Teresa, pray for us!
Pray that we all may know the mercies of the Lord...and His loving-kindness...we need to know this more than ever today!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, Fatima, 1917
Monday, October 11, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Angel of God, My Guardian Dear

I believe in the power and action of the Guardian Angel.
This last summer I was driving home on the interstate, after doing errands.
In front of me, a truck with a trailer, all of a sudden began to veer; the trailer detached from the came right into my direction...somehow it did not hit me...if it would have, it would come in through the windshield...I could have been "pulverized"...
I am so grateful that my Guardian Angel loves me and cares for me.
So very grateful.
Tell your Guardian Angel tonight how grateful you are that you have been spared from sudden death.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Memorial of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus and the Holy Face

I absolutely love this photo of St. Therese. From what I have read, this was taken by her sister, Celine, when she was so very ill. Her penetrating gaze is so awesome...the fire of the Holy Spirit is just so present.
St. Therese has been my sister and guide all these years of my life as a Catholic. I believe she chose me; guided me; prepared me for religious life and the priesthood.
I love her so very much...she was so in love with Jesus, loved Holy Mother Church so passionately, and yet, was very human (she mimicked the chaplain...and she's a saint!)...I love her sense of humor and irony...she had no illusions about life, about faith, about what it means to live a spiritual life, about what it means to belong to Jesus, "absolutely", and her meditations upon our Holy Mother are so filled with deep, intimate knowledge of the Mother of God and Her love for each of us.
St. Therese, pray for us! Pray for bishops and priests! Pray for families! Pray for consecrated souls that they may be "a holocaust of love" that you lived in Carmel!
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