During the Year of the Priest we are offering Holy Mass on the First Thursday for all priests, living and deceased, that are enrolled in our Masses.
We have Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament directly after Holy Mass each Thursday and use the "Litany of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim" to intercede for all priests.
(A beautiful pamphlet of this litany is available from the Institute on Religious Life, Tele: 847-573-8975; www.religouslife.com).
To obtain the indulgence the faithful must attend Mass in an oratory or Church and offer prayers to "Jesus Christ, supreme and eternal Priest, for the priests of the Church, or perform any good work to sanctify and mould them to his heart" during this blessed time and fulfilling the other requirements of Confession (within eight days before or after), Holy Communion, prayer for the Holy Father and being free of attachment to venial sin.
What a wonderful grace!
It would be a wonderful gift to gain this indulgence for a deceased priest who baptized, administered First Holy Communion, granted absolution, witnessed marriage or anointed one.
Jesus, Victim and Priest, have mercy on us and upon all your priests!
Aloha Snackbar Attack in France
4 hours ago
Fr. Charles Arminjon wrote in his book The End of the Present World, "Our heart is an altar. The victim placed on this altar is our evil inclinations. The sword destined to slay this victim is the spirit of sacrifice and immolation. The sacred fire, which must burn night and day on the altar of our heart, is the love of Jesus Christ. The fruitful, invigorating breath that inspires and nourishes this sacred fire of love is the Eucharist." We would not have the Eucharist without our Beloved Priests. Pray unceasingly for our priests.
Thank you very much for offering Mass for all priests living and deceased. May God reward.
Dear Fr. Beatty,
Thank you for you kind greetings.
Please contact me at the email address in my profile if you read this.
I saw your webpage and am delighted to be in touch with you.
We will enroll you in our First Thursday Mass for Priests. May God bless and reward you.
In the love of Jesus,High Priest and Victim,
Fr. John Mary, ISJ
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